Join with us in building a unique approach which invests your insurance dollars back into the sector
Our History
Meals on Wheels NSW Ltd has been involved in helping Not for Profits obtain effective insurance for more than 20 years. What started from a few meals services with difficulty obtaining insurance 25 years ago, has today grown to providing insurance to around 4,000 Not for Profits across Australia and more than $11 million in annual premiums.
We formed Community Underwriting in 2014 to take the CRISP Not for Profit insurance facility one step further – to become Australia’s only insurance provider for Not for Profits which is owned by its own clients. All CRISP Not for Profit insurance clients were insured by Calliden and managed by the Community Underwriting team in our initial arrangements, ensuring a seamless transition from the CRISP facility.
Subsequently Community Underwriting has entered into agency agreements with Berkley Insurance Australia and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company Limited - refer to the details of our security below.
By joining together with other Not for Profits across Australia, we are making a real difference to the way Not for Profit insurance is provided in our sector.
Our Shareholders Today
The majority shareholders of Community Underwriting Agency are the Not for Profits whom we insure.
Not for Profits who contribute more than $50,000 in premium (before government charges and gst) are eligible to become Growth Shareholders on the basis of their contribution to the total premium pool. Growth Shareholders are eligible to receive an annual donation payable to the organisation after your insurances are renewed.
Returning Surplus Funds Back into the Sector
Each year 75% of our initial surplus funds from operating the agency will be allocated to a donation pool.
70% of surplus funds will be payable to any eligible Growth Shareholder that has renewed its Not for Profit insurance with Community Underwriting, based on the contribution that their insurances have made to the total annual revenue of our business.
5% of surplus funds is available to our smaller clients who are ineligible to be shareholders (annual premiums of less than $50,000). These clients who have renewed and paid their premiums with us will be eligible to apply for a donation for a specific project between $1,000 and $5,000.
More information on our Donation Model
Recipients of our 2020 Small Grants Program
Recipients of our 2019 Small Grants Program
Recipients of our 2018 Small Grants Program
Recipients of our 2017 Small Grants Program
Recipients of our 2016 Small Grants Program
Recipients of our 2015 Small Grants Program
Recipients of our 2014 Small Grants Program
Our Security
Community Underwriting acts under a binding authority as Agent for the following insurers to issue, vary and cancel policies on their behalf:
- Berkley Insurance Company trading as Berkley Insurance Australia (ABN 53 126 559 706) for all new business and renewals of our General Liability, Association Liability and Event Cancellation Products.
- Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company Limited (ABN 49 000 525 637) for all new business and renewals of our Industrial Special Risks, Business Package, Motor Vehicle and Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Products.
Prior to 30 May 2015 Community Underwriting acted as an agent on behalf of Calliden Insurance Limited (ABN 47 004 125). Please note that following the implementation of the Calliden members’ scheme of arrangement on 23 December 2014 with the Steadfast Group, Calliden Insurance Limited is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Munich Re group of companies.